Nicolas Dupont-Aignan judges “useless” the introduction of feminicide in the law

Presidential 2022. Candidate of Debout la France in the presidential election, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan detailed to Aufeminin his proposals on violence against women.

Mobilized in the campaign for the presidential election, the editorial staff of Aufemin questioned the various candidates on various themes. Violence against women, health, education, equality, the candidates submitted to our questionnaire to discuss their positions on various important themes that are too little mentioned in the presidential campaign.

On violence against women, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan judges “useless” to include feminicide in French law and proposes to use the term “homicide” in the generic sense. On the care of victims of violence at the police station, he calls for “form” the forces of order and to “sanction any refusal to accept a complaint.” Finally, he also proposes that the State “can replace the victim to file a complaint“if the woman”does not dare to speak due to constraints of the family environment, or social pressure.” Discover all of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s answers on violence against women.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s position on feminicides

The care of victims at the police station is complicated, painful and sometimes risky. How do you intend to facilitate their filing of complaints and improve the reception of victims?
To fight against physical and psychological violence against women, it is first necessary that the police who are the reception desks for victims are trained and that any refusal to accept a complaint is severely sanctioned. If the woman does not dare to speak out due to constraints of the family environment, or social pressure, I suggest that the State can replace the victim for the filing of a complaint.

In 2020, one in five victims had already filed a complaint. How to better apply the law and avoid recidivism? Isn’t there a legal way to protect women victims of violence?
I intend to pursue a zero tolerance policy for violence against women with an immediate criminal response on the Spanish model by:
– The creation of courts dedicated to domestic violence cases
– The judges will have 72 hours to investigate the victims’ file
– Justice will have 15 days to organize a trial
– The anti-reconciliation electronic bracelet will be generalized
– The establishment of minimum penalties

Should the notion of feminicide enter French law?
The concept of homicide in French law is used in the generic sense (the human being) and it is useless to create a neologism.

Should a member of the government accused of sexual assault or violence be kept in office?
The presumption of innocence must always prevail, including for members of the Government. It is up to the respondent to withdraw to better ensure his defense or if the Prime Minister or himself considers that these accusations may hinder his action. On the other hand, if I am elected as Head of State, I will be particularly vigilant with regard to the appointment of Ministers, systematically challenging those with a criminal record in this area as in others.

The positions of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan on sexual crimes

1 in 2 women has already suffered sexual violence in France. How do you intend to fight against this?
Independently of the penal arsenal mentioned above, it is necessary to fight against violence in general by prevention and learning to respect others, from an early age, within the family as well as at school. When, alas, the individual is impervious to all these notions and has not received the education in this sense, the best way to fight against crime is to prevent it by protecting the woman in a shelter. emergency which should be mandatory in each intercommunity. Mayor of the city of Yerres for 22 years, I was also behind the creation of the Léa association in 2009, in order to help women and their children who are victims of violence from their husbands. . To help them get out of their hell, I had made several accommodations in the town available to the association, in order to guarantee them emergency accommodation.

A third of women who had a first unwanted sexual intercourse were under 15 at the time of the incident. Is this minimum age of consent sufficient?
There is no need to lower or raise the age of sexual consent (set at 15). On the other hand, I am in favor of all sexual relations between a minor under the age of 15 and an adult being prohibited and considered as rape (a crime).

On incest, can the imprescriptibility of sexual crimes be included in the penal code?
And how to promote the release of the words of the victims?

Incest is for me the worst sexual crime because it is both an attack on the physical and psychological integrity of the child but also a betrayal of emotional trust with the adult. For these reasons, I plead for the imprescriptibility, especially since it is often years later that this trauma resurfaces on the occasion of a highlight of life.

Responsible for Aufeminin’s content, Philippe is passionate about current events, whether it concerns (many) social issues, or even culture, television programs, SVOD programs, …

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