Nicolas Duvauchelle: His haven of peace 4 hours from Paris where he recharges his batteries with his sweetheart Chloé and his children, big project planned…

By Samya Yakoubaly | Editor

A movie buff, she loves watching trailers and historical moments on television. The next James Bond or Barack Obama’s inauguration speech gives him the same chills.

At 44, Nicolas Duvauchelle can boast of a successful career since his role in “The Little Thief” by Erick Zonca 24 years ago. A serene man, very much in love and father of three children, he has got into the habit of recharging his batteries in a particular region that he evokes with enthusiasm in “Le Parisien weekend”.

Nicolas Duvauchelle: His haven of peace 4 hours from Paris where he recharges his batteries with his sweetheart Chloé and his children, big project planned…

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A tireless actor, Nicolas Duvauchelle multiplies his performances on the screens, young and old: special forces soldier in Black hearts (France 2), RG officer in Illegal citizens (Arte), scammer in The Kings of the track, he is also appearing in Fortune of France which the second chain initiates. How can you recharge your batteries with such an acting schedule? He reveals the key in the Weekend supplement of Parisian.

With age, even though he is only 44, Nicolas Duvauchelle has learned to listen to his body: “I don’t refuse a nap if I feel like it.” But to truly clear your mind, nothing beats a stay outside the capital, in Brittany more precisely, as soon as he “four or five days free” : “I go there with the children, or just with my partner [Chloé Roy, ndlr]. We walk at Lac au Duc, visit abbeys or admire the animals in Branféré park. It’s a four-hour drive and it really gives me a break from Parisian life..”

Brittany is a region he particularly likes. His in-laws run a roadside restaurant there, in Ploërmel precisely, in Morbihan, which he frequents regularly. Does he see himself living in the Breton regions? Absolutely. The research has already begun:Outside of filming, I can go there for two months, where we are looking for a house and where we will surely end up living.

Nicolas Duvauchelle, father of 3 children from 3 different mothers

A great project that he must discuss with his blended family. Indeed, Nicolas Duvauchelle is the father of Bonnie, born in 2005, whose mother is Ludivine Sagnier, of Romy, whom he had with Laura Isaaz, sister of the actress Alice Isaaz, as well as of Andrea, his son (2017 ), whose mother is model Anouchka Alsif. Since 2019 now, he has been in a relationship with Chloé Roy, with whom he got engaged in August 2022. A wedding is also planned for the spring and the dress fittings have already taken place!

A Breton wedding planned? The future will tell !

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