Nicolas Sarkozy announces that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron

Yannick Vely


Former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy has just announced that he will vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election.

It was through a message on the networks that the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy announced his support for Emmanuel Macron in view of the second round of the presidential election. While he had not given any voting instructions for the first round, which had disappointed activists from the Les Républicains party who had hoped for a frank call to vote for Valérie Pécresse, Nicolas Sarkozy explains that it is “the importance decisions to come (which obliges him to leave (his) reserve to indicate with complete clarity what (his) vote will be”. “I will vote for Emmanuel Macron because I believe that he has the necessary experience in the face of a serious international crisis more complex than ever, because its economic project puts the promotion of work at the center of all its priorities, because its European commitment is clear and unambiguous”, explains first of all, calling for “getting out of habits and partisan reflexes.

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“The interest of France must be our only guide”, explains the former President of the Republic

For the former Head of State, “the international context and the financial situation are serious and will impose difficult and urgent decisions. They will demand choices that will commit France for the next five years. Loyalty to the values ​​of the Republican right and to our culture of government must lead us to respond to Emmanuel Macron’s call for a rally in view of the presidential election. For Nicolas Sarkozy, the outgoing president is “as things stand, the only one in a position to act.” “The interest of France must be our only guide. You can never go wrong by choosing clarity and consistency,” he concludes.

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