Nicolas Sarkozy, the ex who has become cumbersome

At Pol’s

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Presidential Election 2022case

For Macron, it is urgent not to make any more gestures towards the former president, who has just announced his support for Macron against Le Pen before the second round, so as not to antagonize left-wing voters.

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The macronists reveled throughout the campaign in the first round of the perfidy of Nicolas Sarkozy against the candidate LR Valérie Pécresse. Not only did the former President of the Republic not officially support the representative of his political family, but he also allowed his criticisms to filter through the press more than once.

“Beware of the repulsion effect”

The hypothesis of a rallying to Macron before April 10 has aroused all speculation, as well as the rumor of negotiations for an agreement in the legislative elections in which Sarkozy would bring his successor the support of LR deputies. The former head of state finally took position for the outgoing this Tuesday.

Sunday’s results showed Macron had siphoned off right-wing votes in the first round, relegating Pécresse to below 5%. From now on, it is urgent not to make any more gestures in the direction of the ex before the second round, according to a minister. “The reserve is above all on disappointed center-left votersobserves this member of the government. We must be very careful about the repulsive effect that Sarkozy’s stowage can have.

“I would be honored by their support”

Asked about BFMTV last night, Macron himself did not show a debossed enthusiasm…

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