Nine years after the suicide of a man in the Tarn, his 75-year-old neighbor admits to having killed him

More than nine years after the discovery of the body of a fifty-year-old in Albi, declared a suicide, a 75-year-old woman is indicted for her murder.

On June 2, 2014, the lifeless body of a 54-year-old man was discovered at his home on rue Eugène-Mancel, in Albi (Tarn). It was one of her neighbors who alerted the emergency services. The death is reported as a suicide initially, as no wounds were found on the body. Soon, however, investigators notice that the details do not match. On site, traces of blood were found in all the rooms of the apartment. A first autopsy is carried out, and the results do not correspond to a suicide. The medical examiner remarks that the position of the “cadaveric lividity“are not logical in relation to the position of the body in the room. It would therefore have been moved. Another sign of weight, the cause of death is a crushing of the rib cage. The hypothesis of murder is then evoked.

For years, the death of this man, who lived alone and affected by major health problems, remained unresolved. Just a year ago, under pressure from the victim’s relatives, the case was finally reopened. A judicial investigation is then launched by the Toulouse prosecutor’s office for assassination. The research section of the Toulouse gendarmerie is looking into the case of this cold case, which was more than eight years old at that time. By tracing all the leads, and after dozens of auditions, they end up identifying a person with a disturbing profile.

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75-year-old woman confesses to everything in police custody

The investigation leads them to Dieppe, in Seine-Maritime. The police officers in charge of the case wish interview a former neighbor of the victim. At the end of May 2023, the 75-year-old woman was arrested in her new home, and placed in police custody in Toulouse. She then reveals the unthinkable to her interlocutors: it is indeed she who killed the fifty-year-old in 2014. The story that is taking shape before the eyes of the investigators is appalling. The woman in question is already known for fraud. Her neighbor living alone for a long time and having a good financial situation, she would have taken advantage of his health concerns to defraud him, under the pretext of helping him in his daily life.

In June 2014, it was following a violent argument with her neighbor that things would have degenerated, and that she would have murdered the latter. The 75-year-old thought she would never be found, nearly ten years after the facts of which he is accused. Indicted for homicide, she was placed in pre-trial detention in the Seysses remand center.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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