Ninja Turtles in a giant robot! How does our childhood cartoon end?

If the first 5 seasons of the cartoon “Ninja Turtles” were rebroadcast a lot, few of the young spectators of the time saw the last episode of their adventures. So put on your blindfold, get out a pizza, let’s go!

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x6, Kowabunga the cry of ninjas!” Ninja Turtles: The Knights of Scale is a Franco-American cartoon created in 1987 and adapted from the comics Ninja Turtles. It has been in existence for ten years but only a few seasons have been broadcast regularly in France on Canal+ from 1989 then on FR3 from 1990.

The Ninja Turtles are mutants trained by Master Splinter, a mutant rat. After defeating Krank and Schredder at the end of season 8, seasons 9 and 10 of their adventures are dedicated to a new big bad: Dregg.


Ninja Turtles

The final episode, the 193rd, is titled Divide and Conquer. Divide and Conquer). This is the 8th episode of season 10, broadcast in 1996 in the United States.

The story begins with a fight between the Turtles and an alien. They have been attacked by aliens for several days now and wonder why.

These monsters are sent by Baron Dregg, who promises creatures fortunes if they manage to fight the Turtles and times each one’s performance, betting on who will last the longest against the Ninjas.



It is then that Michelangelo notices that someone has slipped a snitch under his shell, explaining how the extraterrestrials always end up finding them. He gets rid of it just when a shapeshifting alien chooses to arrive in the turtles’ van and fight them. He takes the opportunity to steal his stick from Donatello and then disappears without a trace.


The turtles demand information from April, who has none to give them, and Donatello finds the source of the energy allowing the aliens to arrive on Earth: a black hole where Dregg was last seen. But rather than go there, they are interrupted by Master Splinter who urges them to meditate with him and train.

Meanwhile, Dregg constructs a “Morphogenesis exoskeleton”, which he dons and then absorbs several of his aliens using metal tentacles. He now possesses the power of all these creatures. It grows to become gigantic and descends to Earth to confront the Turtles.


Dregg and his exoskeleton

Forced to flee, our shelled heroines find themselves in the sewers and Donatello offers a solution: go to dimension X in the debris of the Technodrome in order to recover the robot body of Krank, their deceased enemy. This body can also grow and could allow them to face Dregg. Except that in the meantime, the latter has taken April prisoner!


Dregg vs. Krank’s ex-robot body!

Donatello and Michelangelo therefore leave for dimension X while Leonardo and Raphael will free April. After a fight with Dregg on one side and aliens on the other, the Turtles free April and recover the body that once housed Krank.

An epic new battle begins against Dregg, with Leo and Raphael firing lasers from the Turtles van and Donatello and Michelangelo inside Krank’s enlarged Zord-like body from the Power Rangers!.


Splinter’s Emancipated Turtles

They eventually manage to send their opponent back to Dimension X with Krank’s body and Earth is saved. Master Splinter validates the skills of the Turtles by telling them that they no longer need a guide or a sensei. End of the series.

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