Nintendo Direct: how to follow the presentation of new Switch games this Wednesday, February 9

Nintendo is organizing its first Direct of the year 2022 this Wednesday, February 9, from 11 p.m. It will discuss the Switch games planned for the first half of this year.

We are in the month of February and habits are picking up again. This Wednesday, February 9, Nintendo is airing its very first Direct of the year 2022. In case you didn’t know, it’s a conference focused on upcoming Switch news.

How to follow the Nintendo Direct?

Nintendo doesn’t always think about our sleep with its Direct presentations. See you at 11 p.m. this Wednesday, February 9, so you don’t miss a thing. We already know the duration of the event: 40 minutes.

  • When ? Wednesday, February 9 at 11 p.m. French time;
  • Where ? Here, the Nintendo site or on YouTube;
  • How long will the event last? 40 minutes ;
  • What is the program ? The Nintendo Conference focused on Nintendo Switch games from the first half.
Nintendo Direct of February 9, 2022 // Source: Nintendo

Except huge surprise, you can forget Breath of the Wild 2

40 minutes devoted mainly to Nintendo Switch games coming during the first half of 2022”: with this Direct, Nintendo, which has just announced that it has crossed the 100 million Switch mark, is aiming for the short term. It must be admitted that there will be plenty to do until June on the console. Are already confirmed: Triangle Strategy (March 4), Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp (March 12) or Kirby and the Forgotten World (March 25). There is no doubt that the Japanese firm will pull a few surprises out of its hat to enhance its calendar.

Nevertheless, the hope of discovering the release date of the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild remains small. Perhaps we will be entitled to a small trailer (which will finally reveal its still mysterious title?). We rather imagine Nintendo dedicating an entire Direct to this major title and highly anticipated by the owners of the console – which will celebrate its fifth anniversary in just under a month.

What we are almost sure to see : games that will be released before June. Like Kirby and the Forgotten World.

What we would like to see : a release date for Bayonetta 3, announced in 2017 and which was talked about again last September after a long period of silence. A launch soon would be great news.

What we would like to see but which will never happen : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 comes out in a month… on Switch Pro.

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