Nintendo Direct: how to follow the presentation of the new Switch games this Tuesday, June 18?

Nintendo is broadcasting a new Direct this Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The video will last 40 minutes and will focus on future Switch games. The Switch 2 will not be on the program.

Nintendo waited until the end of the major conferences of recent weeks (PlayStation, Xbox, Summer Game Fest) to offer a new Direct. This Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Switch owners will be able to discover what awaits them in the coming months, since the Switch 2 (name which is not official) will not be mentioned.

How to follow the Nintendo Direct conference?

Nintendo chose snack time, 4 p.m. French time, for the broadcast of its new Direct. Allow 40 minutes in front of you so you don’t miss anything, which means a fairly long break and a hearty snack.

  • When ? Tuesday June 18 at 4 p.m. French time;
  • Or ? Here, on the Nintendo website or on YouTube;
  • What ? Nintendo’s conference focused on Switch games planned for the second half of 2024.

Still no Switch 2 for Nintendo

For Nintendo, it is not yet time to unveil the console that will succeed the Switch, made official a few weeks ago. This Direct will rather be dedicated to the Switch catalog, with 40 minutes which promise to be dense to fill the second half of this year. “ There will be no mention of what will succeed the Nintendo Switch during the presentation », Says the multinational.

This Direct could ultimately constitute a form of swan song for the Switch, whose days are increasingly numbered. Nintendo still has one last great Christmas to offer its hybrid console, which continues to be very popular and sells.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD // Source: Nintendo
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD. // Source: Nintendo

What could Nintendo reveal? It’s quite difficult to say, but we could – finally – have news from the Arlesian Metroid Prime 4. Rumors otherwise indicate a burst of portages: Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid Prime 2 And 3 (since the first opus is available) or even old Zelda (The Wind Waker And Twilight Princess). Nintendo is spoiled for choice when it comes to expanding the Switch catalog, and surprises are always possible.

  • What we are sure to see : Switch games that will be released in the coming months.
  • What we would like to see : Hollow Knight: SilksongFinally ?
  • What we would like to see, but which will never happen : Nintendo lied and revealed the Switch 2 by surprise (or at least a teaser).

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