Ninth test this year – North Korea apparently fires another missile – News

  • North Korea launched a potentially ballistic missile, according to the South Korean General Staff and the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office on Saturday.
  • The missile was fired at the sea in the east of the Korean Peninsula.

The South Korean general staff said the shooting down was carried out from a location near Sunan, where Pyongyang International Airport is located. The airport has already been the scene of previous tests.

The missile test would be the ninth this year. The last was on February 27, when North Korea said it was testing systems for a reconnaissance satellite.

Forbidden Missile Tests

Presidential elections will be held in South Korea on March 9th. South Korean experts fear North Korea could push ahead with missile development amid international attention focused on the war in Ukraine.

North Korea is banned from testing missiles and nuclear weapons under a United Nations Security Council resolution. Attempts to dissuade the internationally almost completely isolated state from doing so through diplomatic channels have so far been unsuccessful.

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