no, his accusers couldn't guess he was extremely violent

Since the publication, on February 1, 2021, of serious accusations against Marilyn Manson, thousands of Internet users have attacked the victims: they should have been wary because of the look of the accused. A case of blaming victim that urgently needs to be deconstructed.

On Monday, February 1, 2021, actress Evan Rachel Wood decided to name her attacker. Since then, Marlyn Manson, her ex-fiancé, has been in turmoil. Other women have also accused the rock star of domestic and sexual violence, including his ex-wife, Jenna Jameson. The latter told the Daily Mail the atrocious fantasies that Marilyn Manson had. "He was telling me that he fantasized about burning me alive. That's a lot to take. Once he started talking violently to me, I said 'Goodbye Brian' to him https: // www. ", she says.

The singer has also spoken on the subject, denying the accusations outright. In addition, many. are those which today implicate the victims of the rockstar. In aufeminin's editorial office, we even saw some scathing reactions when we relayed the information. "Considering the guy, it's no wonder. It's that they didn't have a shred of savvy.", "They have had a relationship with a guy who is already not very clear at the base and then they are surprised … No, seriously they must not have had much in their heads", can we read in the Facebook comments of aufeminin. These sentences say a lot about the treatment of women victims of domestic / sexual violence who have the courage to speak out. What if we stopped judging an attacker on his looks and, at the same time, put the blame on the victims?


born 05/01/1969


Marilyn Manson, an artist who worked on her ambivalent image

It's no secret that Marilyn Manson has always sported this gothic look and "creepy", like his musical style, which has also created controversy: very violent texts, objectification of women and even violence against them in his clips … But isn't it more in the music industry what to blame? Wouldn't she have bet on gory and provocative marketing, as if it were a form of "cool"? We cannot therefore, today, attack the women he was able to seduce, since it is an entire industry that has contributed to make him attractive despite the terrible messages he conveyed as an artist. . Actress Rose McGowan, ex-girlfriend of Marilyn Manson, also denounced the industry's omerta. "All the PRs, agents, lawyers … You know you are accomplices. All this cult around Hollywood has to stop," she declared on her Instagram account. It is therefore this system that must be blamed and not the victims.

In addition, in interviews, the rock star has always given a progressive image of herself. Openly Democrat, Manson had even spoken out about the Columbine massacre in 1999. Indeed, his name had been associated with this shooting, because the teenage perpetrators of this massacre had "disguised as Manson" and wore T-shirts with his image to attack their school. In order to distance herself from these heinous acts, Marilyn Manson had undertaken to work on the documentary Bowling for Columbine, directed by Michael Moore, who returned to this significant event and in which he had spoken in front of the camera. We can therefore see how the artist played on both paintings: a sulphurous image on the artistic career side, but also, an image of "good guy" on the personal side.

To see also: Marilyn Manson accused of extreme domestic and sexual violence by several women

The look doesn't make the rapist: let's stop blaming abused women

It is important to remember that the clothes do not make the monk. Despite Marilyn Manson's "extravagances", nothing could lead his ex-spouses to think that he would be an abuser. We can dwell on other examples that are totally the opposite of the image that Marilyn Manson reflects. Notorious serial killer Ted Bundy, for example, embodied all the archetypes of the ideal son-in-law, appearing to be stable and well in every way. Yet he was the perpetrator of some 30 feminicides in the United States. Worse yet, through his pleasant physique, he has aroused an unhealthy fascination on the part of the public. We can see to what extent the image is never an alibi or a warning signal, the only point in common between the executioners of women being that they are in their vast majority … men. And it would seem strange to tell herosexual women that they are responsible for their fate from the moment they enter into a relationship with them.

To see also: We explain everything about the culture of rape, a real scourge in cinema

To accuse the victims of Marilyn Manson of a lack of "gumption" based on her looks is therefore to make a terrible amalgamation. But above all, it is to hold them accountable for the atrocities they say they have suffered. A big mistake, because nothing in appearance can predict how dangerous a man is. Especially since, in 91% of cases, rape victims know their attackers. Reversing the situation against the victims is to stir up hatred towards them, it is to contribute to the culture of rape, not to mention that it can discourage them from breaking the silence.

To see also: Marilyn Manson accused of sexual violence: her ex Rose McGowan supports the victims

In the case of sexual assault, rape or domestic violence, if anyone is to be blamed, it is the person who is assaulting. The Marilyn Manson case shows that this is still not the rule today. Yet to act otherwise is to play the game of the aggressor. The artist also currently uses a rhetoric which consists in saying that yes, all these acts did exist, but that they were consented to. As if, in short, the victims were warned and agreed with the great violence they denounce today. Even after #Metoo, shame must change sides at all costs, as must the support that we show publicly.