No more arguments: These sentences convince children more than “Go to bed!”

bedtime without quarreling
These sentences convince children more than “go to bed”

Children often have to be made to like going to bed first.


There are hardly any families who do not know the discussions with children at bedtime. But with the right approach, you can avoid the dispute in most cases.

“I DON’T WANT TO GO TO BED YET!!!” Well, does this angry outcry from the indignant child’s mouth sound far too familiar to you? Again and again there are conflicts within families when it is time to go to bed. Because often children are particularly busy at this point and can hardly tear themselves away from their toys – or would never admit how tired they really are. This can wear parents down, especially when they may have had a stressful day themselves.

Going to bed without a fight: This is how it works very easily

So what can you do to finally avoid stress at bedtime? In fact, in many cases the banal announcement “Go to bed now!” the trigger for the conflict. But there are better alternatives for parents: In the video we tell you how to avoid discussions before going to bed.

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