“No more doubts”: The Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies AfD Saxony as definitely right-wing extremist

“No more doubts”
The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies AfD Saxony as definitely right-wing extremist

The Saxon AfD has been a suspected case for four years – now the state’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution is presenting the results of its investigation. Accordingly, the regional association is considered to be right-wing extremist. The reason for this are “numerous” positions that contradict the free democratic basic order.

The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the Saxon AfD as definitely right-wing extremist. The authority announced that the activities of the regional association had been examined for four years. Statements and political demands, in particular high-ranking officials and elected representatives of the state party and the district associations, were examined. “All in all, these prove beyond doubt that the local AfD regional association is pursuing anti-constitutional goals,” said the President of the Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Dirk-Martin Christian. “There are no longer any doubts about the right-wing extremist orientation of the AfD Saxony.”

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The Office for the Protection of the Constitution had previously observed the Saxon AfD for four years, initially as a test case and since February 2021 as a so-called suspected case. According to the authority’s 134-page report, numerous substantive positions of the AfD state association are directed against the basic principles of the free democratic basic order. For example, the party’s position on the migration issue goes against the guarantee of human dignity enshrined in the Basic Law.

“The state association of the AfD may have a heterogeneous composition in terms of personnel, but in terms of content and program, the so-called solidarity-patriotic camp that emerged from the former ‘wing’, whose spiritual father and leader is the right-wing extremist Björn Höcke, predominates and which now shapes the character of the entire state association and dominates,” Christian explained the decision further.

Ideological fighting terms and anti-Semitic positions

According to the authority, leading representatives of the state party regularly use ideological battle terms of the right-wing extremist scene in public discourse, such as ‘The Great Exchange’, ‘Revolkung’ or the demand for ‘remigration’. “These terms hide their racist core and their origin in National Socialism,” says the statement from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

In addition, the AfD regional association uses common anti-Semitic, mostly conspiracy-ideological positions “which are also regularly used by right-wing extremists and Reich citizens.” This was also noticed during the corona pandemic. The state association spoke out against the basic political order of the Federal Republic of Germany, the report continues. The state institutions and their representatives were “repeatedly publicly defamed and despised.”

The AfD Saxony further intensified its contacts with other “certain extremist actors” over the audit period. According to the authority, these include the Identitarian Movement, Pegida and the Free Saxons. “In this respect it can also be considered certain that the party is pursuing efforts against the free democratic basic order,” said Christian, the head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Already in April, the youth organization, the Saxon regional association of Junge Alternative, was classified as having proven right-wing extremist tendencies.

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