No more quarantine for children: That changes before Easter when traveling

The travel industry and many vacationers breathe a sigh of relief. The federal and state governments want to lift many travel restrictions in the near future. Unvaccinated children in particular should benefit from this. You no longer have to be in quarantine. FOCUS Online says what is changing and what you need to watch out for now.

The signs are set to ease from March – including when traveling.

The Federal Ministry of Health wants to lift all travel restrictions. If children come from a high-risk area, they should no longer be quarantined. Rather, they should test themselves with a rapid antigen test.

The new rule is to apply from March 4th and will be decided in the cabinet on Wednesday. Reported on the draft the “New Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ) on Sunday.

What changes when travelling?

From the beginning of March there should be no more restrictions for high-risk areas. Stricter entry regulations will then only apply to virus variant areas. Wherever a new corona mutation breaks out or is rampant, there should be a registration and quarantine obligation.

Unvaccinated children who come from today’s high-risk areas no longer have to be quarantined. You can be free tested upon arrival. This then continues to apply to adults as well.

Basically, the 3G rule remains when traveling. Vacationers need either a negative rapid antigen test, valid proof of vaccination or proof of recovery. The following deadlines apply:

  • The current rapid antigen test must be current. As a rule, it must not be older than 24 hours. For a few EU countries, 48 ​​hours apply.
  • When traveling within the EU, the recovery certificate is valid for 180 days from the positive test.
  • The EU has set expiration dates for primary vaccination only (i.e. two vaccinations or vaccination with recovery or recovery followed by recovery vaccination). The basic immunization expires within the Member States after a maximum of nine months (270 days). Some countries also set shorter deadlines. Exceptions apply to France, Austria, Greece (each for seven months), Italy (six months) and Cyprus (213 days).

The booster vaccination has no expiry date.

What do travelers need to know now for the Easter holiday?

Many EU countries are lifting all corona restrictions. As a result, travelers in the holiday area only have to adhere to the distance rules and the obligation to wear a mask indoors.

The prices are going up! Due to the current situation, many holidaymakers book at the last minute. This makes it difficult for tour operators to plan well, and when demand increases, prices automatically increase. Flights, hotels and rental cars are particularly expensive.

At Easter, a family with a child quickly has to pay more than 1,500 euros for flight and hotel for a package tour to the popular holiday regions of Mallorca, Crete or Malta within the EU. City trips within Germany, which you can reach by train or bus, for example, are cheaper. But the same applies here: Hotel prices are currently increasing.

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