No need to read web pages anymore, Chrome on Android will do it for you

If you absolutely need to read this article now, but also need to do something else very urgent at the same time, Chrome on Android has a solution.

Chrome Android
Credits: 123RF

Like its competitors, the browser Chrome on Android updates regularly to add new features. Sometimes they are specific, such as the ability to choose your default password manager. And sometimes, it’s about integrating something that already exists on the web version of the program. This is the case with the one that interests us here. Tested earlier in the year, it is currently being deployed.

The novelty is very useful in terms ofaccessibilitybut will ultimately be useful to anyone, especially if you are the type to do several things at once: the Chrome reading a web page aloud. A perfect feature for those who want to read an article while preparing a meal, for example.

Chrome on Android will read web pages for you

The option is accessible by pressing the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the Chrome application then “Listen to this page“, between “Translate” and “Add to Home Screen”. Once activated, a mini player appears at the bottom of the screen, the same one you see when you play audio content from the Google browser. It therefore allows you to pause playback, change its speed and go back or forward 10 seconds.

Read also – Chrome on Android will finally help you navigate your hundreds of tabs

Via the menu which opens by touching the 3 horizontal points at the bottom right of the player, it is possible to activate “Highlighting and automatic scrolling of text“, which highlights the part currently being read, and change your voice. The feature supports several languages ​​including French.

You can minimize the drive and continue browsing the webbut note thattheye cuts if you quit Chrome. However, the application remembers where you left off to resume once you open it again. It is not yet known whether Google will allow the background playbackwhich would be a very welcome addition.

Source: AndroidPolice

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