no new correction of the social net salary before 2024

Do you receive a modest salary and are entitled to additional monthly assistance from CAF? The social net amount will be the reference income declared to the CAF for RSA requests and, above all, activity bonus, in 2024. Following the correction made to the social net salary in mid-November to avoid perverse effects, the government will not no plans for a new update.

Technical in appearance, the update of the Official Social Security Bulletin of November 14 was nothing trivial. And if the impact of this update on the amount of activity bonuses paid to modest employees is very difficult to judge, in hard and cold euros, the simulations provided by the unions make it possible to estimate the rapid loss by certain beneficiaries several tens of euros per month. Sufficient? No: Despite this update in mid-November, beneficiaries are still out of pocket!, declared Eric Gautron, confederal secretary of Force Ouvrière (FO) in charge of collective social protection, this week, MoneyVox. A call shared by the CFDT.

Small salary: why your CAF bonus risks falling in 2024

We do not plan any further updates

The Minister of Solidarity and Families announced this Friday MoneyVox: We do not plan any further updates. The minister specifies that the update which took place in mid-November (which notably removed the supplementary pension contributions from the resources integrated into the social net amount) followed a legal discussion, which appeared during the second half of the year, a full-scale test period of the brand new social net amount before becoming the reference salary to be declared to the CAF for RSA and activity bonus requests, in 2024.

This correction having been made, the Minister of Solidarity and Families now considers that it has a stabilized definition, legally consistent, of the net social amount. The line chosen by the government is toinclude in this social net amount anything resembling benefits in kind.

Thus, despite union demands, the employee share of financing restaurant coupon where the holiday vouchers are, from the minister’s point of view, not intended to fall outside the social net amount. The Minister of Solidarity and Families closes the door to FO’s request to remove participation in meal vouchers from this social net: This is part of the resources that must be taken into account, insists a spokesperson for the ministry, speaking to MoneyVox . He states that this was already one of the elements that had to be declared to the CAF in the quarterly declarations of resources.

Errors in 6 out of 10 declarations so far

The creation of the social net amount, a new line on pay slips that appeared in July, is in fact aimed harmonize the resources declared each quarter to the CAF for RSA and activity bonus requeststhe latter being a monthly aid supplementing modest incomes.

These declarations being very complex, as recognized by family associations and unions, they generate a lot of errors: 6 declarations out of 10, reminds the minister to MoneyVox, referring to a report from the Court of Auditors, while judging that they were probably in good faith in the vast majority of cases, due to difficulty knowing what to add or subtract from the net salary declared to the CAF.

Fact, this harmonization will create losers. How much? Cnaf refers to the Minister of Solidarity and Families… who recognizes the impossibility of precisely quantifying the impact of the social net amount, both in terms of the number of recalculated activity bonuses and in euros less on bonuses.

But the minister affirms that there will be winners, since the declaration errors were sometimes unfavorable to the beneficiariesespecially when employees wrongly added professional fees. The minister insists: The net social amount is not an instrument intended to make savings!

The social net amount is not an instrument intended to make savings!

And the nursery bonuses? Or help with childcare?

In the article published Thursday, November 23 by MoneyVox, Jocelyne Cabanal, national secretary of the CFDT, highlighted childcare assistance paid by the employer or the CSE [comit social et conomique], nursery bonuses, etc. integrated into the social net amount: We continue to ask for the withdrawal of everything relating to gender equality policiesshe elaborated, while welcoming the recent withdrawal of welfare and additional retirement from this social net.

Reaction from the Minister of Solidarity and Families? The State cannot replace the employer and continue to support those who benefit from it in the same way. [de ces aides la garde d’enfant, NDLR] and those who do not benefit from it [dans d’autres entreprises, NDLR].

In fact, the minister does not completely exclude the possibility of a technical update of the definition of the social net amount, but at the moment T, it was [celle du 14 novembre, NDLR] the only update. The Minister of Solidarity and Families also recalled having presented this net social amount to the unions at the beginning of 2023, confirming that there is no no negotiations planned this subject with them.

When will we see pre-filled CAF declarations, like for taxes?

This is the promise, ultimately, of the deployment of the net social amount: it is a stage in the project of solidarity at source. In this case, the transmission of the social net amount from employers to the administrations and therefore your CAF from January 2024 should ultimately allow you to have pre-filled declarations. As for taxes and the spring income tax return. An instrument to combat non-take-up of RSA and the activity bonus, which would be very significant.

5 departments will test this pre-filling of CAF declarations from 2024, with a view to generalized implementation in the 1st quarter of 2025recalls the Minister of Solidarity and Families.

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