No NFTs for Worms


Team17the studio of the famous game worms had a (false) good idea a few days ago. The company had plans to license Worms to Reality Gaming, a blockchain and NFT-focused development company, to market skins for the infamous worms online. An idea that made people react in a world where the subject is still debated.

The project should have enabled meta worms to see the light of day, characters half-worms half-robots. This mythical game, released in 1995 and having sold more than 75 million copies, wanted to follow the “trend” and try NFTs.

The Meta Worms

As you’d expect, the reactions from fans of the license have been explosive, and the company has received a lot of hateful comments. “They could have spoken to their partners privately before publicly sacrificing their image.” “Anyone knows this is going to go wrong”. And indeed, it went wrong…

Following this announcement, AggroCrabthe developers of Going Under, have since publicly announced they want to stop working with Team17.

Translation of the announcement : “We believe that NFTs can’t be good for the environment, or useful, and are inherently just a f****n slot clip. Please don’t harass Team17 employees or the developers connected to it because this decision seems to have surprised the whole team and comes from the top of the hierarchy. It goes without saying, we will no longer work with them on future titles, and we encourage other independent game developers to do the same unless this decision is revoked. F****n, how I hate this atmosphere.”

An inflammatory message from Nickcreative developer, and Caelan his partner.

Seeing that the situation was starting to become critical, Team17 finally declared yesterday on Twitter to abandon the meta-worms project after having “listened to the feedback”. Stopping the meta-worms project but also stopping the NFTs altogether for the company, which now knows that it will not try the experiment again.


After announcing its Quartz project, introducing NFTs in its games, Ubisoft came under fire from critics. The studio has therefore decided to respond to its community and its response is “a tad” clumsy.


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