No one remembers being in their mother’s womb… Except Nicolas Cage

Invited to host Stephen Colbert’s “The Late Show”, Nicolas Cage indulged in a few secrets about his childhood. A reflection made obviously in his inimitable style…

Guest on the show The Late Show by animator Stephen Colbert, Nicolas Cage, in promotion for his film Renfield, gratified the audience with a little WTF reflection of which he still has the secret.

In his inimitable style, on the savory edge of a Chuck Norris Facthe thus declared that the first memory of his childhood was formed even before his birth, in the womb of his mother.

“Look, I know this sounds really over the top and I don’t know if it’s real or not, but sometimes I think I can go back to in utero and feel like I’m seeing faces in the dark. or something like that. I know that sounds powerfully abstract.”

He adds : “Now that I’m out of the womb, I have to imagine that maybe it was vocal vibrations that were coming to me. It goes back a long way. I don’t know. It comes to mind…I don’t even know not if I remember being in utero, but that thought crossed my mind.”

More seriously, neuro-psychologists agree that one cannot remember one’s birth, and even less what precedes, insofar as “the brain structures that are used to make memories are not yet mature” explained a scientist in a Science & Life article in June 2021.

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