No rapid accession of Ukraine to the EU

War between Ukraine and Russiacase

The Heads of State and Government of the EU have ruled out any rapid accession of Ukraine to the European Union, demanded by Kyiv.

Emmanuel Macron, who currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, did not reassure the Ukrainians. During the night from Thursday to Friday, meeting at a summit in Versailles, the Heads of State and Government of the EU indeed ruled out any rapid accession of Ukraine to the European Union, even if they opened the leads to closer ties.

“There is no quick procedure”Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte recalled as Kyiv filed a candidacy in hopes of joining “without delay”. “Can we now open an accession procedure with a country at war? I do not believe that. Should we close the door and say never? It would be unfair”summed up Emmanuel Macron.

“Without delay, we will further strengthen our ties and deepen our partnership to support Ukraine as it continues its European journey. Ukraine is part of our European family”the leaders finally proclaimed in a written statement.

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa did not hide the divisions between those who think that […] Ukrainians are fighting for their lives and deserve a strong political message […] and those who are still debating the procedures”. Central European countries, led by Poland, want to speed up the recognition of Ukraine’s candidacy.

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