“No treatment exists, no drug is effective”


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In an interview with the JDD, published this Sunday, November 28, 2021, the singer Hoshi confided in the disease from which she suffers.

If the singer Hoshi meets a great success with her album Rising Sleep, she suffers from a disease which eats away at her and which could well prevent her from pursuing her musical career as she sees fit. It is Ménière’s disease, which causes him terrible discomfort, tinnitus and hearing loss. 25 years old, she now claims to take care of herself and only do two concerts a week. “No treatment exists, none is effective. Sometimes violent attacks of dizziness occur in the middle of the night. I have to stop everything and lie down”., Hoshi tells JDD.

According to the Journal du Dimanche, the singer’s deafness has further increased since her last tour since she would have reached 47% of hearing loss. Faced with this, Hoshi prioritizes rest and relaxation. “I can devote myself to video games and watch my old favorite cartoons like ‘Dragon Ball’… I could also spend the day watching manga”, she confides in the interview.

Read also : The singer Hoshi insulted by Fabien Leceuvre, disgusting misogynistic and lesbophobic remarks

Despite illness, Hoshi continues the music

If her illness makes her daily life more difficult, Hoshi was able to fulfill her dream of making music. The singer and musician is currently enjoying great success: named in 2020 among the musical revelations of the Victoires de la musique, Hoshi has chained the hits since her debut. “Your sailor shirt”, “Love censorship” or even “And even after I will love you” are among the essentials of his repertoire.

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