No vaccination, no entry – what vacationers need to know about this rule

When it comes to travel, many countries are taking different paths. While holidaymakers who have been vaccinated, tested and recovered within the European Union will be treated equally from July 1st, other regions of the world are taking a harder hit.

Roosbeh Karimi is a lawyer and consumer expert for “Getright“. In an interview with FOCUS Online, the expert now said that New Zealand and Australia may not allow tourists into the country by the end of the year if they are not fully vaccinated against the corona virus.” If you read the signals correctly, then certainly not in the next few years, ”predicts the travel expert.

From a purely legal point of view, individual countries can refuse entry to non-vaccinated persons. There would be exceptions within the EU, but every country could legally invoke national regulations and thus also require vaccinations upon entry. “Each country can decide which people or which groups of people they let in or not,” says the expert.

Could airlines also make a vaccination compulsory?

But what about Lufthansa Condor and other airlines? Can you make vaccination compulsory?

“As a rule, contracts under private law apply to air transport contracts,” says Roosbeh Karimi. “In private law contracts, everyone can freely decide with whom they want to conclude a contract and with whom not.” Legally, it would therefore be possible whether airlines really pull it off, would be rather unlikely.

Travelers should inform themselves in advance

According to the expert, anyone planning a vacation outside of Europe should definitely find out about the planned trip in advance. Travel agencies, airlines and the Federal Foreign Office can help with entry restrictions.

FOCUS Online has created a free and up-to-date travel traffic light for you. Here you can see which entry regulations apply to your desired country.