Nobel Prize in Economics: Inflation Rewarded, Bitcoin Ignored

The crowned banks – The current macroeconomic context has not prevented the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences from setting its sights on a partisan of inflation. To the chagrin of Satoshi Nakamoto’s supporters.

Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences: is there a place for bitcoin?

Money printing and inflation were (again) rewarded. The defenders of Bitcoin (BTC) continue to fight back on social media, with their annual petition. They want the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences to be returns to Satoshi Nakamoto.

Despite these efforts, the results will not be there this year. On October 10, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the names of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankeand American economists are therefore rewarded for their “research on banks and financial crises”.

This decision is enough to horrify Bitcoin defenders. Some tweeters recall that Ben Bernanke had using money printing to bail out banks in 2008.

The former president of the EDF personifies, in a way, this abusive use of a centralized power which does not hesitate to implement an inflationary monetary policy significantly devaluing fiat currencies, to the detriment of the population’s purchasing power.

Central banks and magic money

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Inflation rewarded

How to interpret this decision of the Royal Academy? Should an excessively inflationary system acquire more legitimacy than a decentralized deflationary monetary mechanism, which protects against the abuse of over-indebtedness that makes ordinary taxpayers pay a heavy price?

Past and current economic crises still do not seem to be enough to instill a real paradigm shift. At this point, there are many obstacles that could prevent Satoshi Nakamoto from winning the Nobel Prize in Economics. Indeed, the identity of the founder of Bitcoin remains a mystery. And bitcoin may still take on this image of anti-fiat currency, in the service of money laundering. To the delight of his detractors.

Will we have to wait for the price of Bitcoin to reach $100,000 for institutions to recognize that Satoshi Nakamoto’s work is here to stay? Will they finally see that Bitcoin is profoundly changing certain financial and monetary practices?

If there was to be a Nobel Prize in crypto security, Ledger would definitely win it! Secure your assets with a Ledger key. The icing on the cake, the shipping costs are offered (commercial link).

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