Noise in the ear: causes and treatments


Noise in the ear is quite common – and can be quite annoying. Where the ear noises can come from and what can help, you will find out here.

What is noise in the ear?

Noise in the ear is a form of tinnitus. This causes noises in the ear, which can be tapping or humming, for example, or are perceived as noise – the noise is the most common form besides whistling, about 40 percent of those affected suffer from it. These tinnitus noises are not conceited – noise in the ear in most cases indicates damage in the so-called low-frequency range.

Tinnitus: How do I recognize noise in my ear?

The ear noise in tinnitus can affect both one and both ears, in parallel there is often pressure on the ears. Attention: If it feels as if the ear is clogged with cotton wool, there may be a hearing loss. If this suspicion, the ENT doctor should be consulted immediately. As a rule, the symptoms disappear after a short time – but tinnitus does not diminish even after several days, or if other symptoms such as dizziness or ear pain are added, tinnitus can also be a symptom of another disease. Again, an examination should be made at the doctor.

Tinnitus: causes of objective noise in the ear

In order to find out the causes of tinnitus, one must first differentiate whether they are subjective or objective ear noises. Objective noise in the ear often indicates a body noise: For example, rushes your own blood flow when high blood pressure is present. The following reasons may have objective ringing:

  • General circulatory disorders
  • Blood clots / thromboses
  • atherosclerosis
  • Narrowed blood vessels
  • high blood pressure
  • High blood lipid levels

Causes of subjective noise in the ear

The so-called subjective ear noise occurs much more frequently than the objective one. This tinnitus is based on false perceptions of our hearing. Often, the symptoms of stress become stronger. The cause can be various illnesses – these include:

  • Waxing out of earwax (how ears can be cleaned , you will find out here!)
  • Sudden Hearing Loss
  • noise
  • pressure on the ears
  • Inflammations, z. B. the ear canal or the middle ear
  • Problems with the jaw or the cervical spine
  • Deafness (in old age)

What helps against the noise in the ear?

The treatment of tinnitus is based on the cause and is discussed with the doctor individually. For example, hearing aids can be used for general hearing loss. For tinnitus treatment  , the following methods are conceivable:

  • Medications that z. B. improve the circulation of the inner ear
  • relaxation therapies
  • Behavioral measures to reduce the perception of the disturbing noise
  • Special hearing aids

Tinnitus requires a quick treatment

An early therapy is important: If the noise in the ears lasts longer than three months, it is called a chronic tinnitus, which can not be completely cured. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, a combination of acoustic stimulation, behavioral approaches and auditory training , is particularly helpful here.