Nordic combination – This is how Seidl feels after the fall in Lahti

After the fall of Nordic combined athlete Mario Seidl, the Pongauer was transferred to Salzburg. An examination was carried out at the state hospital. The diagnosis for the combiner is now clear.

Nordic combined athlete Mario Seidl was injured after a very long jump. The ÖSV double victory on Sunday in Lahti, Finland was overshadowed by the fall of the Salzburg player. The transport back to Austria took place on Monday. Mario Seidl was transferred from Helsinki to the Salzburg State Hospital, where a detailed MRI examination and a computer tomography were carried out. The examinations revealed what had already been suspected. The previously diagnosed fracture of the kneecap was confirmed, and a strain of the anterior cruciate ligament was also discovered. The fracture was diagnosed on Monday evening by the attending physician, Dr. Helmut Klampfer was surgically stabilized and treated in the Salzburg State Hospital.Bitter: The Pongauer only recently managed to return to the World Cup. This ended abruptly.
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