North: a former Muslim official in the sights of the authorities, his marriage postponed

The marriage with a Frenchwoman of the former Algerian official of a place of worship in Hautmont (North), closed in 2018 for apology for acts of terrorism, has been postponed, indicated the mayor of the commune and the public prosecutor’s office. ‘Avesnes-sur-Helpe, the man being a source close to the file targeted by an expulsion procedure.

The public prosecutor of Avesnes-sur-Helpe, Laurent Dumaine, told AFP that he had “taken a reprieve from celebrationof this marriage,taking into account the ongoing checks in such a situation“, confirming information from the Voice of the North.

‘Provoke violence’

The person concerned, former president of the Assalem association, manager of the place of worship closed in December 2018, had requested the celebration for September 3, with a French national, explained to AFP the mayor UDI of Hautmont, Stéphane Wilmotte. The elected official clarified that he hadasked for instructions from the public prosecutor’s office” after having “been informed by the State services of a certain number of elements concerning the applicant’s situation“. According to him, the reprieve runs for one month.

SEE ALSO – “Freedom for Iquioussen!”: in Paris, demonstrators support the fleeing imam

The Assalem association, specified the mayor, was also dissolved after the closure of the As-Sunnah prayer room, ordered by the prefect of the North on the grounds that “the ideas that are disseminated there and the activities that take place there provoke violence, hatred and discrimination and glorify acts of terrorism“. “The prosecutor informed me that a procedure was in progress to study the file“said the mayor. “All my approach was done in consultation with the services of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice“, he underlined. According to a source close to the case, this Algerian national residing in Hautmont, near Maubeuge, had been notified on August 10 of the launch of an expulsion procedure against him.

As part of the case of the northern imam Hassan Iquioussen, under an expulsion order signed by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin had stressed on August 30 that he had asked the prefects “to offer him the possibility of expelling people who hold hate speech against the Republic“. He claimed that “since 2017, 786 radicalized foreigners had been deportedof the national territory, and that74 of them» have been during «the last few months“, welcoming the decision of the Council of State to validate the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen.

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