Northern warning shots at sea – North Korea fires artillery shells towards South Korea – News

Northern warning shots into the sea – North Korea fires artillery shells towards South Korea – News – SRF

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  • North Korea released around 100 grenades and 150 other projectiles in the direction of South Korea on Tuesday evening.
  • These were a reaction to South Korean military exercises, which Pyongyang is said to have felt provoked.
  • The projectile landed on the one hand off the South Korean west coast and near the east coast in the sea.

South Korea is currently carrying out the annual military exercises, in which mainly defense exercises are carried out. However, these have provoked North Korea, as reported by the North Korean state news agency. As a consequence, Pyongyang responded with shots towards South Korea.

The approximately 250 projectiles should serve as a serious warning and the enemies should immediately stop the ruthless and inciting provocations, the North Korean news agency continues.

The explosive devices fired sank in a buffer zone introduced between the two states in the sea in 2018. South Korea wants to continue the defense exercises as planned until Saturday. Allies like the USA also take part in these.

Tensions between the two countries have increased in recent weeks as the North conducted multiple missile tests and deployed warplanes near the border. North Korea, on the other hand, accused the South of exacerbating the tense situation through military exercises.

SRF 4 News, October 19, 2022, 3 a.m.;

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