“Not a human trash can”: “Home shitter” Oberdorf defends himself against hatred

“No human trash can”
“Heimscheißer” Oberdorf defends himself against hatred

Lena Oberdorf didn’t go abroad because she was a “shit at home.” Her move from VfL Wolfsburg to FC Bayern brought her criticism online, with some of the words turning into nasty hate comments. Now the German national player is defending herself.

National player Lena Oberdorf also personally defends herself against hate speech online. “If you use social media as a footballer, you have to be prepared for it. The level of respect is very low because it is anonymous and therefore impersonal,” said the 22-year-old in an interview with the “Wolfsburger Allgemeine”. “I can endure a lot, but sometimes I answer to draw a line – also for my own good. I’m not the human trash can for people who don’t even know me.”

Oberdorf “received a lot in the media” after her announced move from VfL Wolfsburg to FC Bayern Munich in the summer, as she recently said. One reason for this was a statement from the world-class player that she met as a Schalke fan shortly before the 2022 European Championship: “I can’t imagine going to Bayern.”

“Because I’m such a little home shit”

“When I read comments on Insta or something like ‘You have no backbone’, I think that’s stupid, but then I also think: Hmm, maybe I would see it that way too if I didn’t know myself,” Oberdorf now explained. “Everyone has their own opinion and you have to accept that. But when I read something like ‘I hope you get hurt’ or even ‘I hope you die’, then that’s clearly over it. We are “We’re still people, even if we’re in the public eye.”

For the first time in the interview, Oberdorf explained in detail her explosive move from Wolfsburg to long-term rivals in Munich. “The first half of the season gave me a bit of a feeling that I needed something new. I was kind of in a rut: football, football, football,” said the 2022 European Championship runner-up. “Then I called my father and said : ‘Dad, I think I need a change of scenery.'” She’s always only lived in smaller towns and felt like she had to go to a big city to experience the hustle and bustle: “Because I’m such a little home shit, I didn’t want to leave Germany.”

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