Not old fashioned: 3 tips from grandma on how we can deal with criticism better

Not old fashioned
3 tips from Grandma on how we can deal with criticism better

We’re happy to listen to Grandma’s advice because we can always rely on her assessment. You can find out what tips grandmothers have against criticism in the video.

Grandmothers actually always have the best advice and tips. Especially when we are burdened by insecurities caused by criticism, it helps to talk to grandma and hear her opinion, which is anything but old-fashioned.

“Grandma, tell me!” – Each of us has probably made this request to his or her grandmother. After all, they are always willing to help and are happy when we ask. In the end, we always come up with statements that help us in many situations in life.

Grandma’s tips against criticism

We all get criticized sometimes and that’s part of life. It’s healthy to a certain extent, but criticism can also make us sad and have a negative impact. That’s why it helps if we find ways to deal with criticism in a more relaxed way. In the video you will find three tips from grandma that can help with complaints from others.


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