“Not under consideration”: Trump categorically excludes Haley as running mate

“Not considered”
Trump categorically excludes Haley as running mate

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Nikki Haley is particularly popular among moderate Republicans. However, Donald Trump cannot imagine the 52-year-old as his deputy. He clearly rules out any collaboration.

Former US President and presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said his former rival Nikki Haley is not being considered as his running mate. “Nikki Haley will not be considered for the office of vice president,” said the Republican in the online service he founded, Truth Social, referring to the former US ambassador to the United Nations. However, he wished her “all the luck in the world,” Trump added.

The announcement doesn’t really come as a surprise since Haley had repeatedly criticized Trump. Nevertheless, it is strikingly clear, because the choice for Haley could have proven to be tactically clever for Trump. The former South Carolina governor is popular with moderate and independent Republican voters – votes that incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden could steal from Trump.

Haley fought a week-long duel with Trump in the internal Republican primaries for the presidential candidacy. The 52-year-old sharpened her profile through the duel. After leaving the race in early March, she did not support Trump. Things had become quiet around her in the past few weeks. Nevertheless, her name was repeatedly mentioned in reference to Trump’s “running mate”.

Speculation about who Trump could nominate for vice president is in full swing. It remains to be seen whether the 77-year-old will proceed strategically or whether he would prefer to choose someone who is absolutely loyal to him. Among the most frequently mentioned names are Senators Tim Scott and JD Vance, as well as New York Representative Elise Stefanik.

The governor of the US state of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, is also in discussion. However, one person may have been eliminated recently: the governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem. She bragged in a book about shooting her dog, Cricket, causing outrage. A few days ago, she suggested on a TV show that US President Joe Biden’s German Shepherd should be euthanized.

When asked, Trump’s entourage refused to provide any information on the subject. “Anyone who says they know who or when President Trump will make his running mate is lying,” one of his advisers said. “Unless that person’s name is Donald Trump.” The presidential election in November will come down to a neck-and-neck race between Trump and the Democratic incumbent Joe Biden. The 81-year-old Biden continues to rely on his deputy Kamala Harris as his so-called running mate.

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