Notice of strike at Orly airport on June 11, 12 and 13

Air traffic is likely to be disrupted in the coming days. A new strike notice for the days of June 11, 12 and 13 was filed by a union of air traffic controllers at Orly airport to demand additional recruitment, the UNSA-ICNA announced on Wednesday June 5. “Orly is clearly relegated to second place by the DGAC [direction générale de l’aviation civile] compared to the other Paris airport, despite a similar strategic issue”denounced to Agence France-Presse (AFP) a source within this union preferring to remain anonymous.

The union, second in terms of representativeness among air traffic controllers (17% of votes in the last professional elections), but far behind the SNCTA (60%), denounces the signing of an agreement between the DGAC and the SNCTA at the end of April providing for measures, particularly salary, to support the planned overhaul of air traffic control in France. The agreement was rejected by the minority unions UNSA-ICNA and the USAC-CGT (16%). For the UNSA-ICNA, it “shows a significant deterioration in the working conditions of air traffic controllers” and does not resolve staffing problems.

This union had already called a strike for the weekend of May 25 and 26, resulting in the cancellation of 70% of flights at Paris-Orly, the second largest French airport after Paris – Charles-de-Gaulle. And on April 25, in the middle of the school holidays, air traffic was severely disrupted throughout France and indirectly in Europe, due to an initial social movement causing the cancellation of thousands of flights.

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