Notox: wrinkle-free without a syringe? |

Botox – some love it, for others it is an absolute no-go and still others would like to try it, but find the idea of ​​an injection on their face too scary. For the latter, but also for everyone else, there is now an injection-free alternative: Notox is hip, baby.

Tension, elasticity and youthful skin – who doesn't want them? But for many women it is not worth it to be under the syringe. Fortunately, the beauty industry never sleeps. New active ingredients are being tested and conquering the market, new, gentler technologies are replacing old ones.

The Notox Invasion instead of Botox Injection

Everyone knows what happens when botoxing: the active ingredient botulinum toxin is injected directly into the muscle using a small cannula, paralyzing it. Since this is a poisonous substance, side effects such as swallowing difficulties, dry mouth, headaches, nausea or severe facial restrictions can occur. So it's understandable that many women shy away from beauty treatments. But now a new type of active ingredient is supposed to compete with the good old botox. And all without a syringe.

Notox once, please

Behind the term Notox is the active ingredient called Argireline, a peptide that is an important component of our skin care, which strengthens it and makes it more resistant. Notox is said to have an effect similar to Botox, but without poison, side effects or injections.

This is how Argireline works

The active ingredient inhibits the release of neurotransmitters, which are responsible for the contraction of the facial muscles – and thus blocks the connection between muscle and nerve. The muscles can then no longer work as hard as before and the skin relaxes. Similar to Botox: Existing movement wrinkles are reduced, fewer new ones are added.

And how does Notox get my muscles now?

A small roller, which is equipped with fine needles, is rolled over the skin several times. This is intended to stimulate the cell division of the skin and thus regeneration. At the same time, the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid is stimulated and the active ingredient can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Incidentally, it should only tingle slightly and not hurt.

Wrinkle-free: Botox or Notox?

The positive effects of Notox are clearly visible, because superficial wrinkles are visibly smoothed and the peptides plump up the skin preventively. However, the active ingredient does not penetrate as deeply as is the case with Botox and therefore does not work as intensively as the injection. Unfortunately, a Notox treatment is not enough. Experts recommend repeating it regularly every four to six weeks so that the skin recovers over the long term. That in turn can be quite expensive, because each treatment costs between 100 and 150 €. For those who have the necessary change, Notox is certainly an alternative to Botox.