Nougat Valley |




  1. For the dough

  2. Beat the butter, powdered sugar, vanilla paste and salt with the dough hook of the hand mixer until creamy. Stir in the egg and egg yolk one after the other. Mix flour, cocoa and hazelnuts. Add alternately with the milk and knead first with the dough hook and then quickly with your hands to form a smooth dough. Shape the dough into a flat rectangle, wrap it in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.

  3. Roll out the dough in portions on a work surface lightly dusted with flour to a thickness of about 2 mm and cut out a total of 144 circles (Ø 5 cm). Cut a small circle (Ø 2.5 cm) out of the middle of half of the thalers. Place the thalers and rings on baking trays lined with baking paper and bake one after the other on the middle rack in the preheated oven at 180 degrees (fan oven 160 degrees) for about 7-8 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

  4. For the filling and decoration

  5. Roughly dice the nougat. Finely chop the couverture and melt it in a metal bowl over a warm water bath. For decorating, fill 2 tablespoons into a disposable piping bag and keep warm. Add the nougat to the remaining couverture, let it melt, stir well and allow to cool slightly.

  6. Fill the chocolate nougat mixture into a piping bag with a perforated nozzle (5 mm) and pipe it onto the thaler cookies. Place the ring cookies on the filling and press down lightly. Refrigerate the nougat cheese for 30 minutes so that the mixture solidifies.

  7. Decorate the nougat cakes with the couverture in the disposable piping bag (cut the tip very finely) and let it dry.

Commodity knowledge

Stored in an airtight container with greaseproof paper between the layers, it will last for approx. 4-5 weeks.

This recipe appeared in the Cookie Extra in issue 23/2023.

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