Now throughout Styria: – Children of mentally ill parents get godparents

A reference person outside the family for children with mentally stressed parents should help them grow up healthy. The offer, which has already been tested in Graz, is now being gradually rolled out throughout Styria for 2.2 million euros.

If parents suffer from depression, for example, this often manifests itself in their offspring. 60 percent of the 4,000 to almost 7,000 Styrian children whose parents are mentally ill later suffer from anxiety, have difficulties in social interaction and concentration or suffer from other abnormalities.Graz serves as a role modelTo prevent, one has for children from 0 to 12 Years ago in Graz, we relied on foster families in 2017: “An additional caregiver significantly strengthens the resilience of the children,” says psychologist Alima Matko from Styria vitalis. Volunteer godparents are trained to accompany the minors over the long term. There are currently 46 of these companions for 37 children in Graz and the surrounding area. Offers starting this year in Leoben, Bruck, Fürstenfeld and south-eastern Styria From this year the project will be gradually rolled out throughout Styria until 2026. Five psychosocial services have joined together with Styria vitalis to form the “ARGE Patenfamilie”. The Styria health platform has approved a budget of 2.2 million euros for this – for example for staff and workshops. Since 2017: Graz (sponsor: living together and Styria vitalis) Since 2022: Graz surroundings (sponsor: Styria vitalis) Sponsor: Aid organization Styria), Bruck-Mürzzuschlag, Leoben (sponsor: Save the Child Styria – RdK)2024: Voitsberg (sponsor: Voitsberg Psychosocial Center) and Leibnitz/Deutschlandsberg (sponsor: Society for the Promotion of Mental Health – GFSG and/or RdK) 2025: Hartberg and Weiz (sponsor: GFSG and/or RdK) 2026: Liezen, Murau/Murtal (sponsor: psychosocial network – PSN) The offer is implemented in each district by a supporting organization that is also the contact point. Leoben, Bruck an der Mur, Fürstenfeld and Southeast Styria make the start.
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