Now you have manuals, specifications and repair guides for all Apple products in one place

Finding the right manuals and troubleshooting guides for Apple products wasn’t always easy. But this is no longer the case today. Instead of being scattered across Apple’s websites, all the documents you need are now on the new Apple Documentation page.

Spotted by the Japanese blog MacOtakara, the Documentation page brings together all Apple products:

  • Mac
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Apple Watch
  • VisionPro
  • AirPods
  • Apple TV
  • HomePod
  • iPod
  • Screens
  • Accessories and Software.

If you select the category of a hardware product, you will see its different models appear

Apple has opened a “Documentation” site that summarizes manuals, specifications and downloads,” according to a Google translation of MacOtakara’s article. “Downloads, manuals and technical specifications that were previously available as resources support are now organized by product category.”

If you select the category of a hardware product, you will see its different models appear. By choosing a specific model, you’ll get links to technical specifications, a user guide, an information sheet, and in some cases a repair manual.

Additionally, you can search for manuals and other information based on product name and other criteria. From the search results, you can also access documentation, support articles, and posts on Apple’s community forums.

I was able to easily find a repair manual for my iPhone 14 Pro

For example, I was able to easily find a repair manual for my iPhone 14 Pro. The manual included photos of the internal layout of the phone and its parts, told me what tools and part numbers to order for certain repairs, showed me how to perform diagnostic tests, and told me how to troubleshoot specific problems that might arise. to introduce oneself.

In addition to access to manuals and guides for major Apple products, you’ll find information about accessories, including Apple keyboards, mice, printers, and AirTags. The Software category provides information about applications such as iTunes, Pages, Numbers, Keynote and Final Cut. Selecting an application takes you to a page where you can download the software.

Apple’s new Documentation page is one more step by the company towards THE right to repair. In August 2023, Apple voted in favor of a bill in the United States on this subject. A hot topic in France too.

Source: “”

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