Numbers are falling in Upper Austria – finally fewer than 10,000 active Covid cases

May brings good news for Corona: Finally there are fewer than 10,000 active Covid cases in Upper Austria. The numbers are falling consistently, the situation in the hospitals is stable.

On Sunday, May 1st, the number of corona patients in the hospitals in Upper Austria rose to 110, but that is in the range of the burden of the past week. Specifically, 99 Covid patients (plus 8 on the previous day) are in normal and eleven (plus three) in intensive care units. On Sunday, 621 new corona infections were reported in almost 3000 tests. The number of people who are fully immunized is also falling steadily because of the stagnating willingness to vaccinate – the vaccination rate fell by 0.2 percentage points in one week to 67.4 percent of the vaccinable population in Upper Austria. The green passport has expired for 78,144 compatriots (5.5 percent of the vaccinable population). In the 135 retirement and nursing homes in the country there are currently 77 infected employees and 101 infected residents in 59 houses.
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