Numerous requests for goat “disposal”, animal rights activists call it “massacre”

There are too many goats on the picturesque volcanic island of Alicudi. There are 600 animals for just 100 inhabitants. The online portal ““ reports on the great response to the unusual solution. The government of the Sicilian region and the mayor have made a public offer for the adoption of the dogs. But there is criticism from animal rights activists.

Demand is gigantic – businessman wants to take all 600 goats at once

“Alicudi is really in trouble,” Carolina Barnao, councillor for animal protection in the Lipari municipal council, explained the action to “”. According to the politician, examinations were carried out on the animals to ensure their health and well-being.

The mayor of Lipari, Riccardo Gullo, told “” that he has received many requests for the goats. He even tells how a businessman called and wanted to take all 600 goats at once.

Animal rights activists strongly criticize the action, calling it a “massacre”

One option was to kill the surplus animals, but Gullo, a staunch animal rights activist, rejected this possibility. He hoped that the released goats would be well treated and stated as a condition that the animals would not be slaughtered. Nevertheless, the action led to sharp criticism from animal rights activists.

The “Frankfurter Rundschau” quotes a statement from LNDC Animal Protection, which speaks of a “massacre”. The animals are now living freely and are facing a “new life in captivity and exploitation”. The animal welfare organization is considering legal action.

“Goat invasion” is a blessing and a curse for the Mediterranean island

The goat “invasion” began 20 years ago when a farmer brought the animals to the island and left them to fend for themselves. Since then, the animals have multiplied rapidly, becoming a major problem for the island. The goats invade gardens, eat crops and destroy stone walls, which have been listed as UNESCO intangible cultural heritage since 2018.

Despite the great response to the campaign, the mayor wishes that the herd will remain. The wild animals have become a popular photo subject for tourists and shape the image of the island.

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