Numspot, a tricolor cloud service resulting from the collaboration between La Poste, Dassault Systèmes and Bouygues Telecom

A Franco-French agreement has been reached between four companies wishing to join forces with the aim of creating a secure and French cloud server service. A project led by Docaposte, a subsidiary of La Poste and a reference in the processing of sensitive data and digital trust, Dassault Systèmes, an expert in 3D software, the operator Bouygues Telecom and the Banque des Territoires, one of the five businesses of the Caisse des Deposits. From this collaboration comes Numspot, which will see the light of day in the course of 2023.

The French cloud is intended “to French economic and institutional players who cannot currently find solutions that meet their needs”, can we read in a press release. Companies and organizations handling sensitive data, ranging from the financial sector to the health sector via the public sector, are therefore concerned. Numspot hopes to compete with the various American clouds, today leaders of the market.

Numspot, the future of the cloud?

Numspot will be based on the cloud infrastructure Outsacle, a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes with the SecNumCloud qualification guaranteeing reliability in the field of data retention. Added to this is Docaposte’s expertise in the needs of the sector. Numspot, according to the press release, will therefore respond to the three “key issues in the cloud computing market” that are data sovereignty, security of digital architectures and data portability. The ambition is for Numspot to become a European reference in cloud services. The agreement still needs to be validated by the competition authority.

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