Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti vs. RTX 3070: Leak on price and performance surprised


Nvidia’s upcoming RTX 4060 Ti is said to be comparable to the RTX 3070. Leakers have published information about the price and performance of the new generation graphics card.

The RTX 4060 Ti may deliver the same performance as the RTX 3070 with better hardware and the same price. (Source: Nvidia)

  • According to a leak, the RTX 4060 Ti should deliver the same performance as the RTX 3070.
  • The price of both graphics cards should also be about the same and be just under 550 euros.
  • However, both of these statements have not yet been confirmed.

The RTX 4060 Ti from Nvidia has not yet been released, but leakers should already have more information about the performance and price of the graphics card.

Twitter user kopite7kimi, who is known for very reliable predictions regarding Nvidia graphics cards, has claimed on Twitter that the performance of the RTX 4060 Ti, a new generation graphics card, can match the performance of the RTX 3070 from the previous generation.

The prices

Nvidia has planned a price of 549 euros for the RTX 4070, but you still don’t get the graphics card everywhere at the prices recommended by Nvidia.

How much the RTX 4060 Ti should cost is currently not officially confirmed. As Videocardz reports with reference to MyDriver, the upcoming RTX 4060 Ti should cost less than the equivalent of 460 euros. However, in Germany, the value added tax of 19 percent is added, which is why the value in this country would rise to almost 550 euros.

Better hardware for the same price

If both leaks are correct, you will get a new generation graphics card with a new chip with the same performance for the same price as the RTX 3070.


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If you currently want to buy a graphics card, then we will tell you how you can save on the purchase. You can also get the RTX 4070 Ti on eBay at a much lower price thanks to the discount code.

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