O2switch: the 100% independent host that plays with transparency

The Clubic editorial staff

January 03, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

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O2 switch


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The web hosting industry is constantly evolving; every day thousands of sites are put online, a significant technical challenge for an ever-increasing number of web hosts. O2switch quickly managed to do well by offering a simple, versatile and high-performance service for an attractive price.

See O2switch Unique Offer

O2switch has been present for more than 15 years on the web hosting market. This actor at the service of your web project is 100% French and independent. Indeed, the host manages its own infrastructure, located in the heart of France, which allows it to have total control over the data and performance of its servers. In addition to these solid arguments, O2switch continues to innovate by offering its users a unique offer for their hosting, a singularity in this sector.

A clear and effective offer

A unique quality offer

If you want to use O2switch as a solution for hosting your website, you won’t have a choice… and it must be said, this can be an excellent thing. Contrary to other web hosts who sometimes offer dozens of offers depending on the configuration of the servers, the desired CMS, the type of hosting etc… O2switch only offers one and the same formula, namely “L ‘Unique Offer’. This avoids complex comparisons, asterisks or deciphering server specifications, network configurations or even the type of support provided with the plan.

With this unique offer, you get a shared hosting service. In theory, the resources allocated to the operation of your site are shared with other users. However, in practice, O2Switch adds partitioning so that you have your own environment. If by chance another site hosted on the same server experiences a peak in traffic with high bandwidth consumption, this will not affect the performance of yours.


@O2Switch – A unique offer

A fixed and transparent price

As the hosting market is competitive, the various players strive to make attractive offers by reducing the prices displayed. Only, very often, this is falsely advantageous for the customer, with hidden costs or decreasing prices depending on the commitment period.

O2switch offers total transparency to its customers on its pricing policy, since its unique formula is priced at €7 excl. VAT/month (excluding the promotion period). The host also has one of the most advantageous refund policies for the user since its duration is 30 days. The opportunity to test the solution and approve it or get a refund, all without any justification. Another “bonus” is the possibility of obtaining free hosting for one year if you migrate your website to O2switch, which was previously hosted by another host.

Offer details

The offer offered by O2switch is advantageous on several levels: server performance and the options available within the subscription. From a hardware point of view, your web hosting will be based on a server containing 12 CPU cores, 48 ​​GB of RAM. Storage, databases, bandwidth or sub-domains are unlimited. We then find a rather high-end offer at a very correct price.

Regarding the subscription itself, here too O2switch does not skimp on the options. With this offer, you will have access to a fully configured cPanel interface (at no additional cost), a free domain name, the integration of WPTiger, a tool developed by the company itself to facilitate the management of your WordPress site or the integration of a firewall for the protection of your site.

Another interesting and differentiating point: the ultra-responsive customer support available on this offer, 24/7 access to a technical contact who can help you with a large number of questions, ranging from configuration to the management of certain problems. A real asset that is relayed by the Trustpilot or Google reviews adjoining the solution (4.9/5).


@02Switch – Offer details

See O2switch Unique Offer

For what type of site should you choose 02switch?

The O2switch solution is unique, of course, but it adapts entirely to your web project and will be ideal whether you want to set up a blog, a portfolio, a showcase site or an online store. Thanks to Softaculous, directly included in the offer, you have access to more than 300 scripts in just a few clicks, allowing you to integrate any type of CMS such as: WordPress, Prestashop, Magento, Drupal, and much more. Thanks to this application installer, O2switch allows an ultra simple configuration of your solution and fully adapts to the entire web domain.

O2switch also manages the multi-site and multi-domain functionalities, thus allowing you to create a PBN (Private Blog Network) if you wish, by coupling it with the IP addressing service also included in the hosting provider’s solution. A complete tool that will adapt to all (or almost) of your web projects. The host also offers, at no additional cost, the possibility of using Varnish, a very powerful cache. And many other performance-oriented functions: Memcached, Redis…

A controlled infrastructure

No intermediary

O2switch stands out on many points, but one of the most advantageous elements is its complete autonomy in terms of infrastructure. Unlike some players who rent storage space from another company, O2switch has its own servers. In other words, it makes it possible to have end-to-end controlled and optimized hosting and company-specific processes. This advantage brings reliability and quality to your hosting, especially since the datacenter is located in Clermont-Ferrand (central France) thus ensuring a fast connection between your French visitors and your site.

High availability and high performance

The basis of good web hosting lies in the performance and security of the servers. All of the data centers present on the O2switch infrastructure meet the conditions for Tier 4 certification. This level corresponds to the highest grade for this certification, and results in 2N+1 redundancy and an annual interruption that cannot exceed 48 minutes. Finally, almost all the components present on site can be changed without interrupting the availability of the servers, thus guaranteeing business continuity for your site.

The technologies used on the O2switch hosting servers are constantly adapting to the needs of its users, with for example the integration of PHP LiteSpeed ​​to speed up the loading of your sites in PHP. There is also the integration of a premium SMTP service for sending mail or even constantly evolving equipment to integrate the latest in network infrastructure.


@O2Switch – A complete solution

See O2switch Unique Offer

An eco-responsible approach

O2Switch is committed to the environment by offering a series of measures and controls, guaranteeing a more responsible use of its datacenters for the planet. In 2019, 94% of the energy used was considered decarbonized with a geographical location of the infrastructures limiting as much as possible the dependence on fossil fuels. To continue the life cycle of its equipment, O2Switch recycles and recovers it while guaranteeing a short circuit supply for its renewal.

Data centers emit a lot of heat and to regulate it, it is often necessary to air-condition the rooms. Here too, O2Switch is committed to a responsible approach, making maximum use of outside cold to cool its rooms, all complemented by air conditioning with the latest energy classifications.

Read the full O2switch review

Article proposed and designed by La Rédaction Clubic in partnership with O2switch.
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