OCEAN model: What makes you special?

What is your personality? The OCEAN model enables us to analyze a person's character. Learn more about this method here.

OCEAN model: What does it bring you?

The OCEAN model allows Personality differences capture between different people. It is also known as the Big Five Model or the Five Factor Model because of our character in it analyzed by five factors becomes. We can't just do this analysis on ourselves to better understand our own strengths and weaknesses. She also helps us with Dealing with othersin which it reveals similarities and differences.

OCEAN model: where does the name come from?

OCEAN sounds like sea, sun and sand. This model of personality analysis has less to do with that. The word OCEAN is much more of an acronym for the five essential criteriaby which the character is judged. At least if the OCEAN model is used. And these criteria are:

  • Openness (openness)
  • C.onscientiousness (conscientiousness)
  • E.xtraversion (sociability): How sociable is the personality?
  • A.greeableness (tolerance)
  • Neuroticism (neuroticism)

As you can see, the combination of the first letters of the criteria makes the word OCEAN. This way you can remember the English words much better! But what exactly do these terms and mean what do they say about our character? We come to that now!

It is important to note that the factors are Scale values. There is no such thing as "better" or "worse". Only that is recorded different characteristics of the valuesto get a better idea of ​​the personality. So absolutely turn off the scoring.


Imagine you want to go out to eat with a friend. Would you rather go into a new restaurantwhat you do not yet know or do you choose the Favorite Italian out?

Some of us need new things all the time to be happy in life. Others prefer to stick with the tried and tested, what they already know. These differences are reflected in every respect in everyday life. Who one high level of "openness", translates as open-mindedness or openness, will likely love to try out brand new, innovative products and give the latest dating app a chance. Who about a low level has, probably rarely changes his favorite products and is rather skeptical about new products.

Ask yourself: How open are you to new experiences?

This gives you a good idea of ​​how you would rank on the Openness Scale.

Conscientiousness (conscientiousness)

Your boss gives you a job. Do you give in to everything until absolutely every detail is perfectly worked out or do you approach the matter rather half-heartedly? Maybe it all depends on the situation and you are sometimes very conscientious and sometimes not.

The level of "conscientiousness", i.e. conscientiousness, will expose all the perfectionists among us. Very conscientious people love order, perform their duties and are very disciplined. Those who are less conscientious take structures and Routines aren't that specific. The bill is often paid a few days later than it was necessary and the empty coffee cup is only cleared away a few days later.

Ask yourself: how perfectionist are you?

This is how you can see how you would score on the conscientiousness scale.

Extraversion (socializing)

Some of us refuel when we can spend a quiet evening on the couch all by ourselves. Others would be more depressed: they need others to relax. Are you always the last one to leave a party (high extraversion) or do you like to run away earlier because the crowd becomes too much for you at some point (low extraversion)? According to scientists, the level of sociability is an important characteristic for character acquisition.

Question: How sociable are you?

This question will give you a better understanding of your need for interpersonal relationships.

Agreeableness (tolerance)

An argument can get pretty stormy at times. Are you someone who insists on your opinion and your rights until the end or do you prefer to give in to harmony for love? This reveals something about your level of "Agreeableness", in German compatibility.

Those who act very agreeably always show consideration for others, show themselves to be helpful and tend to agree rather than express a contrary opinion. People with a less high level of agreeableness are completely different. They have no problem standing up for their opinions, even if it offends them and offends others. For these people, it's not necessarily about being cooperative and helpful. It is more important to them to stand up for themselves.

Ask yourself: How cooperative and considerate are you with other people?

Here, too, there is no right and no wrong.

Neuroticism (neuroticism)

Your colleague says something that doesn't really suit you. Do you think "Swam over it" and just continue with the day's program or do you stir furious about it? Neuroticism, or neuroticism, says something about yours vulnerability or emotional strength.

Are neurotic persons easily irritated and can be quickly freaked out if something doesn't suit them. Someone who is not neurotic at all would find out about inappropriate words don't get upset at all. This person might get angry, but still keep calm and not complain.

Ask yourself: how vulnerable are you?

Sometimes it's a little difficult to be completely objective here. Just try to be honest with yourself thinking about the last time you got upset. How much has this gotten out of hand? This tells you something about how neurotic you are yourself.

The OCEAN model is natural only one methodto analyze our character. There are many others: for example the Riemann-Thomann model or the DISG model.

You can also find many other exciting topics relating to personality development in the BRIGITTE Community. Have a look!