Octopath Traveler 2: Throné the thief and Temenos the priest make the presentations

After the discovery of Hikari the warrior, Agnea the dancer, Partitio the merchant and Osvald the scholar, Square Enix presents Throné the thief and Temenos the priest. Looking like a femme fatale, Throné does not “work” for her own account but for that of the Black Serpents, a clan that controls the city in the shadows and also educates its proteges with an iron fist. Quite logically, Throné’s skill consists in stealing the possessions of citizens, but it can also neutralize the intruders by knocking them out by surprise. In combat, Throné can give his allies a boost provided it is dark.

Priest but also inquisitor a little in spite of himself, Temenos is a man of faith who will find himself embroiled in a dark affair involving members of the Church of the Sacred Flame as well as the heretics who threaten this institution. Always ready to come to the aid of his neighbour, Temenos can guide lost citizens but also knows how to use persuasion to unmask suspects and obtain information. Like Throné, he has an exclusively nocturnal combat skill that weakens enemies.

Two specialties for each character

The trailer also explains that each protagonist will be able to adopt a secondary class in addition to the one assigned to them by nature. The point of having a dancer x hunter character, for example, is to be able to equip weapons exclusive to these two classes and expand the skills available. So nothing will stop a pure swordsman like Hikari from learning a priest healing skill. It will still be necessary to work a minimum and accomplish guild tasks to unlock the secondary classes in the form of a permit.

Octopath Traveler IIwhose official website can be consulted here, will be released on February 24, 2023 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch and Steam at a price of 60 euros.

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