OD by Hideo Kojima: New leak about the horror game should reveal how the gameplay works


In Kojima’s OD (Overdose), Hideo Kojima wants to blur the lines between game and film. This is what the gameplay of the upcoming title should look like.

This is what the gameplay of Kojima’s OD (Overdose) could look like. (Source: YouTube screenshot/IGN)

  • Kojima’s OD (Overdose) could be divided into two gameplay elements.
  • The first gameplay element requires you to observe and guide your character.
  • The second gameplay element could be more like a horror game.

There is hardly any official information about Kojima’s OD (Overdose). So far, all that is known is that Hideo Kojima wants to blur the boundaries between games and films in order to create a new type of media.

How exactly he plans to implement this is probably still a mystery to many fans. The well-known leaker DuskGolem may now have new details, which he apparently shared on his Discord server.

According to his report, OD (Overdose) is an experimental experience that requires you to use multimedia to achieve achievements in the game, with long cinematics that each lead to two types of gameplay.


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(Source: Screenshot YouTube Plutopeppers/Square Enix)

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The first gameplay element apparently consists of observing and guiding your character while gathering information from multimedia sources. With the help of cameras in the rooms, a third-person camera and a first-person camera, you should be able to control the character.

The second gameplay element focuses on the first-person camera and is more like a horror game. There are supposed to be cryptic riddles and puzzles that you have to solve.

It is important to mention that this is just a leak. Without official information, it remains unclear what the gameplay of Kojima’s OD (Overdose) will actually look like. As soon as the developer studio announces a release date, you will find it in our game release list.

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