Office: how to add special characters in Google Docs and LibreOffice

Sometimes I write texts requiring the use of special characters or accents. For example “” [point d’interrogation espagnol]i [i aigu],…

If I’m working with MacOS, it’s very easy to add these characters by pressing and holding the corresponding key, then selecting the special character you need.

However, not all operating systems offer this possibility. Yes, there are third-party applications that allow you to insert special characters from a standard keyboard. However, typing keyboard shortcuts that require finger exercise or memorizing complicated Unicode characters isn’t exactly the most efficient way to add special characters to your documents.

The macOS accent picker.

Adding an accent in macOS is incredibly easy. Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNET

Fortunately, most office suites allow you to add special characters without having to memorize key combinations or Unicode. In fact, most of these functions behave similarly. Take for example Google Docs and LibreOffice, both of which offer a very similar method for adding special characters. Without having to install third-party extensions, you can easily insert special characters into your documents.

Let me show you how.

How to Insert Special Characters in Google Docs

The only thing you will need is a valid Google account.

1. Open or create the document

The first thing to do is to log in to Google Docs (or Google Drive). Next, open or create a new document that requires the use of special characters.

2. Open the special character picker

In the Google Doc, click Insertion > Special characters to open the special character selector.

Opening the Google Docs character picker is through the Insert menu. Screenshot by ZDNET France

3. Find your type

By default, the character selector is in the Symbol selection, where you can add various arrows and other symbols. If you click on the drop-down menu on the far left, you can choose from the different character types available. For example, the character í is in the Latin type: so in the drop-down list Symbolselect Latin.

The search tool makes it easy to find the character you need. Screenshot by ZDNET France

4. Add the required character

Once you are in the Latin character type, scroll down to find the character you want to add and click on it. If you have trouble finding the character, type the associated letter (eg i) in the search field to filter out all other characters.

If you still can’t find the character you’re looking for, change type and keep looking. When you’re done, close the character picker.

The Latin character type contains many commonly used special characters. Screenshot by ZDNET France

One of the advantages of the character picker is that it stays on the chosen type until you close the document you are working on. This means that if you need to go back to add similar characters, it will take you one less step to do so.

How to insert special characters in LibreOffice

The only thing you will need is LibreOffice installed on any supported platform.

1. Open or create a LibreOffice document

Open LibreOffice, then open the document to use or create a new one.

2. Open the Character Picker

As in Google Docs, click Insertion > Special characters.

3. Locate and add the special character

This is done the same way as in Google Docs. The only difference is that LibreOffice defaults to the Basic Latin as a type (called character block in LibreOffice).

Once the character picker is open, scroll through it and locate the character you need or type the associated letter in the search field. Once you find the character in question, double-click to add it to the document.

Adding special characters in LibreOffice is very similar to adding special characters in Google Docs. Screenshot by ZDNET France

That’s all there is to know about adding special characters in Google Docs and LibreOffice. You may never need it, but when you do, you’ll be happy to know how to do it.

Source: “”

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