Offline Dogecoin transactions using Starlink technology

© Reuters – The Foundation team is reportedly working on setting up transactions using RadioDoge technology combined with the Starlink satellite network to conduct DOGE transactions without going through the internet.

The project is only in its infancy and still requires work. On the other hand, the foundations have been laid for future experiments to connect RadioDoge to the Dogecoin test network thanks to Starlink.

A new channel for Dogecoin transactions

Timothy Stebbing, Product Manager at the Dogecoin Foundation, and Michi Lumin, Principal Engineer at the Foundation, are working on this project and counting on the support of Stqarlink. The latter was founded by one of the biggest supporters of Dogecoin, Elon Musk.

According to the foundation, the key lies in new technology called RadioDoge, a “cheap and reliable radio technology (HF/LoRaWAN)” working with the Starlink satellite network to enable accessibility for people without an Internet connection.

The other crucial element is the GigaWallet project, a deposit solution for transactions, as well as Libdogecoin, a programming library or building blocks to create Dogecoin projects, such as the basis for forming and validating Doge addresses and transactions. . Dogecoin addresses created with the library would have successfully received DOGEs on the mainnet.

This week, the first transactions made with Libdogecoin should be sent to RadioDoge, which will submit them to the Dogecoin test network via a Starlink satellite.

This new technology could revolutionize the adoption of Dogecoin by emerging economies, transforming it into “the de facto means of exchanging goods and services around the world”.

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