Often forgotten: What mistake not to make when preheating the oven

Almost every dish, pastry or frozen product that needs to be baked in the oven is labeled to preheat the oven. However, it is not necessary for most baked goods. Because the information is often only used to be able to give a specific time information about the baking time. In many cases (with exceptions, see the video above), you can therefore do without preheating, especially with more modern ovens.

However, if you are preparing a dish that you want the surface to be crispy, it is advisable to let the oven warm up for a few minutes before baking. This is because crusts only form above a certain temperature; if the dish is already in the oven while it is still cold, the temperature will increase slowly and result in the crust forming poorly or not at all.

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Always remove the baking tray when preheating

Frozen foods and pastries can fail if placed on a warm baking sheet.

Photo: Getty Images/djedzura

When preheating, however, you should make sure that there are no baking trays in the oven during this time. On the one hand, the hot tray can lead to poor baking results. For many doughs, the difference between the preparation and oven temperatures is too big. Frozen products become too dry and biscuits are often hard or tough.

On the other hand, the heating of the sheets consumes additional energy. It is best to put the tray you want to use in the oven after the warm-up phase – together with the product you want to bake.

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