Oil stains on clothes: With this home remedy, they are a thing of the past

household hack
This is how you remove stubborn oil stains from clothing in no time

Even repeated washing in the machine does not help against stubborn stains.


Some stains just won’t come off no matter what we try – like unsightly oil stains on clothing. But don’t panic: With this trick you can get rid of the stains without leaving a trace!

A stain on your favorite blouse is annoying, especially when you just can’t get rid of it, even with your best efforts. Especially in the case of sensitive clothing, cleaning agents that are too aggressive can damage the textiles and, in the worst case, still not get the stain out. So what to do?

Olive oil stains are now a thing of the past

Luckily, there is this strategy especially for oil stains, which is currently making the rounds on the internet. With a simple household product and a little patience, even the nastiest stains don’t stand a chance – see for yourself!

Source used: Instagram.com


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