Old customs – happiness & fertility: The secret of the rough nights

In the rough nights, the wild hunt moves across the country. There are mystical figures that are much more positive than they look: Perchten.

In the mysterious time between the years, the border between the human and the supernatural world is said to be particularly permeable. In the rough nights, it is said, the wild hunt comes across the country. And she made a stop at the Klagenfurt Zuge-Alm. Customs historian Hubertus “the Boar” Berger first called the Klalaufe, who were still looking for contact with the spectators, around the fire. Then Death, the Boandlkramer, walked along. “Where he mows, someone will die, where he pulls back the scythe, a human being will be born,” says Berger, who introduced Habergoass as the third character: bisexual, half goat, half goat, she was once feared by the farmers, they spoiled many a harvest. Much more positive is the Kraxnmandl, who carries eggs in his Bugglkraxn as a sign of fertility. “Now comes the king of the forest, the deer,” says “the Boar” and a 15-pointer stepped to the music of the hunting horn players Grafensein-Poggersdorf on. Martin Lutz, head of the Ostarrichi Pass association, organized the antlers in Lavanttal and sewed the costume himself. The association, which maintains the Krampus tradition at the beginning of December and the Perchten tradition during the Raunnacht, also sent a wild boar to the fire. Then came the Pehtra Baba, who visits families with her fork in southern Carinthia on the night of January 6th. As the eighth group of figures, the witches cavorted on the meadow and swept everything bad into the fire. “Only when everything is clean can the Perchten bring luck, fertility and peace,” says the Boar.
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