Oliver Pocher: Comedian comments on hunting accident and his live tour

Oliver Pocher (42, "complete idiot") has reported back with a wound that cannot be overlooked and against a world-famous backdrop via Facebook video. Four days after he posted a picture of himself with a damaged forehead directly from a US hospital, he now greets his fans in front of the Hollywood lettering in Los Angeles. "A lot has happened in the time," Pocher first goes into his Wendler duel and the coronovirus before giving an update on his injury.

"Yesterday the strings were pulled, now there is a plaster on it. I am very excited to see how it will be." It is not yet clear whether he will be scarred by the whole thing. In the clip, he doesn't want to explain exactly the PR professional exactly how the accident happened, but refers to his show "Pochers Reisen". During the shooting, for which Pocher and his father are currently in the USA, the accident happened during a wild boar hunt.

He explains in the video why he took part in a hunt in the first place: "We have been to Louisiana and we have been invited to join the hunt. I have never done this before and I thought you would do it now … (…) wild boars are hunted quite normally to keep the population small. " In the test shots on cans everything went smoothly, but not in the pig: "Of course I didn't get it – to my chagrin."

What about Corona?

Pocher also commented on his live program "Relentless – clicked through". That was supposed to start on March 30th of this year, but is now in the balance due to the corona virus: "As of now I would play all the dates, but I think the decision will be made for us. I assume that it is very likely that this tour will no longer exist. "

He and his father were lucky with their return trip to Germany. In the video that Pocher published on Thursday, he says: "We'll still get out. Today would have been the last day of shooting anyway."