Oliver Pocher: What are the effects of the coronavirus infection?

Last Saturday, Oliver Pocher (42) announced that he also had Covid-19 after his wife Amira (27). The positive test result was not surprising for him, he explained in an Instagram video. Now the comedian has spoken again and given his fans an update on the current health situation at Pocher.

First of all, he wanted to thank him for the recovery wishes, said Pocher. "And first of all: Amira and I are fine. I have a dry cough, it is a little more difficult to breathe, but everything else is wonderful," explains the comedian. He doesn't have to take any medication and doesn't have a high fever. Instead, he now has plenty of time to make fun of other influencers, he announces. In the past few days, Pocher has made it his business to get excited in short videos about social media personalities who share trivial things or discount deals with their followers.