Olivier Duhamel: his son Simon sentenced to prison after a stroke of madness: Current Woman The MAG

A descent into Hell that never ends for the Duhamel family. While the political scientist Olivier Duhamel confessed on April 13, 2021 following the accusations of his stepson, “Victor”, for rape and sexual assault as a child, his adopted son, Simon, attracted (new) trouble. Indeed, the thirty-two-year-old man, of Chilean origin, has just spent a month in pre-trial detention for acts of degradation and violence committed on March 23, 2021, as revealed The Parisian. According to the son of Olivier Duhamel and Evelyne Pisier, the release of La Familia Grande would have upset him a lot, and would have forced him to put up with unannounced visits to his home. On April 19, 2021, the Toulon criminal court delivered its verdict.

Three years in prison and an injunction for psychological care

After a floating time of only three days, the time for a psychological expertise, Simon Duhamel was finally tried in immediate appearance. The thirty-two-year-old young man, already sentenced several times for violence, has been sentenced to three years in prison, including one year closed, for “violence and degradation while intoxicated “. The president of the correctional court considered that justice had shown leniency towards the accused for the simple reason that he was preparing to be a dad in the coming days: “Your sentence is adaptable. It is a bet that we make! I hope that these three weeks of detention will have made you understand that it is essential that you undergo therapy (…) You could have hurt someone seriously! “, she pointed out to him.

In addition to his prison sentence, the adopted son of Olivier Duhamel and Evelyne Pisier, adopted in Chile more than thirty years ago, also received a care order to settle his excess of violence. It should therefore be followed by a psychiatrist and an addictologist in the next weeks. Deprived of a permit, he will also have to pay the sum of 10,000 euros in damages. to his victims, seven people in total, with whom he is not allowed to come into contact until further notice.

Read also : Olivier Duhamel: these strange modifications he would have made in the biography of Evelyne Pisier