Olivier Duhamel: those obscene evenings he organized in his vacation home … in the presence of children: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Since the publication of La familia grande, January 7, 2021, the revelations follow. In this book, which caused the effect of a real media earthquake, Camille Kouchner shatters the silence established around a heavy family secret. She accuses her stepfather, Olivier Duhamel, of being guilty of incest at the end of the 80s. And beyond the multiple rapes that her twin brother would have suffered in adolescence, the author details (with great accuracy) the mechanisms of silence and control often observed in cases of incest. And we learn in particular that within the family circle, Olivier Duhamel reigned supreme and created a particularly indecent atmosphere. In the newsstand issue Thursday, January 14, 2021, The Obs lifts the veil on “paradise lost ” of the political scientist: his second home in Sanary-sur-Mer, in the Var.

The kids have to act out, in front of their parents, sex scenes ”

Every summer, Olivier Duhamel brought together his friends from the political, intellectual and media spheres on the Côte d´Azur for evenings where the wine flowed freely. This second home was for him “an instrument to consolidate its power and maintain its networks ”, as our colleagues describe it. But the atmosphere that Evelyne Pisier's husband created during these evenings was more than disturbing, as we are learning today. “Trash" for some guests, hedonistic for others. Camille Kouchner remembers sordid scenes to say the least: “Some of the parents and children kiss on the mouth. My stepfather heats up his friends' wives. Friends flirt with nannies. Young people are offered to older women ”, she writes in her book.

The lawyer especially remembersthe injunction to enjoy ” which she received from her mother, when she was only 12 years old. Evelyne Pisier would then have launched: “You see, I made love when I was 12. Making love is freedom. And you, what are you waiting for? " A piece of advice that shocked Camille Kouchner, and which she transcribes today in her book. If this “Incredible freedom” that parents gave to children made Sanary-sur-Mer a “Wonderland" for Raphaël Enthoven and probably others, "Some (and especially some) children of the time confided that they were uncomfortable in this ultra-alcoholic and very sexualized atmosphere, indicates The Obs. And that’s to put it mildly. In La familia grande, Olivier Duhamel’s daughter-in-law says that in the evening, it happens that the kids have to act out in front of their parents sex scenes. Chilling revelations, which do not (unfortunately) denote with the rest of the book …

Read also : Le Siècle: what is this (very) private club chaired by Olivier Duhamel?